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again problem with SMA STP


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i not giving up and trying with sma stp assymetric inputs.

I will show each step, please tell me if i did anything wrong.

First i added inputs for each sma stp, input A and input B.

Then i tried to make easy setup to use this inputs with different numbers of modules.


So i did two subfields:

First subfield with input A with 2 strings 22 modules in series.

So we can notice i got somehow 2 inverters not just 1. Did i do good input A setup?


And I did second subfield with input B and 1 string 14 modules in serie.

And here of course pvsys giving warning that input is too small...


I can live with it if this gonna work BUT:


I can not do any simulation!!

What i did wrong this time?

Here is example from sunny design with same setup.


Please help.

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In your first step, you have defined:

- 4 inputs (which are just the connections)

- No use of MPPT. You should check "Multi-MPPT capability" and then define 3 MPPT inputs here.

- Save the inverter under another name.

After that you can define a sub-array with 2 MPPT inputs (2 strings) and the second one with one MPPT input, and everything should be OK.

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I did this way:

My problem was that i got 107 modules 240W, and want to use SMA STP 12000TL.

I splited inverters like this:

Inverter 1:

Input A1: 21

InputA2: 21

InputB: 12


Input A1: 21

InputA2: 21

InputB: 11

I made one inverter SMA STP 12000TL A4 with 3 "string inverter" and 3 Multi-MPPT

I made second inverter SMA STP 12000TL B1 with 3 "string inverter" and 3 Multi-MPPT

I made 3 sub fields

First subfield

I used option "Use multi-MPPT features" and putted 4 string with 21 modules , SMA STP 12000TL A4

Second subfield

I used option "Use multi-MPPT features" and putted 1 string with 12 modules , SMA STP 12000TL B1

Third subfield

I used option "Use multi-MPPT features" and putted 1 string with 11 modules , SMA STP 12000TL B1

So i did same 2 inverters, just different names and then i could make simulation.

And only in this case i could run simulation.

When i tried to do 2 inevrters with ratio "string inverter/Multi-MPPT capability" 3/3 and 1/1 it didnt allow make me simulation

Is it good what i did?

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