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WindVelocity in daily ASCII file


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I have daily ASCII meteo file for my site (Global Horizontal Irradiation, Ambient temperature, Wind Velocity). When I'm trying to import it to PVsyst v5.62 (Import ASCII meteo file, Daily data, Markov distribution) irradiation and temperature data are properly converted to *.met file, but Wind Velocity data are equal 0. When I uncheck Wind velocity in "Meteo Variables" this data are taken to *.met from site description (monthly average).

Could someone check it and try to explain?

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PVsyst doesn't avail of a model for generating hourly values of wind velocity (I really don't know how to generate such data).

Therefore the values cannot be imported from Daily values ,and the reslut is 0

I could indeed envisage to put the daily value as constant over the day. I will think about this for a next version.

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In my opinion taking daily values of wind velocity from ascii file (constant value for given day) is much better solution than taking monthly average from site description (constant value for all days in given month).

I hope it be implemented soon in next version of PVsyst.

You are doing good job with development of PVsyst software, Andre!

Best Regards


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  • 6 years later...


Thanks for this answer! I have been two days trying to import daily wind velocities... :roll:

Anyway, when I uncheck the Wind velocity in "Meteo Variables" and I convert it (with a .met with wind velocity) this data is 0 too, it doesn't take these values from the .met site. Any clue?

Thanks in advance!

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