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Can't load User Needs ( Not even the template given by PVsyst)


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I have recently installed version 6.6 of PVsyst (Windows 8.1) but I am running the student version. I'm trying to install a load profile and have been following the instructions

http://files.pvsyst.com/help/load_file.htm and reading other posts like


I'm getting a problem that the file is not loading at all onto the Read Hourly parameters from a file dialog box. I've tried loading the template by PVsyst - SubHourlyParameter_Template , my files are saved in the UserHourlyParams folder and none of them are being read into the software at all. When I click open to load the file nothing happens just the load file box closes. The CSV files are not saved as UTF- 8 encoding.

Any help is very much appreciated!

Thanks :)


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