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Cumulated yield 25 years aprox


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Hello friends,

Is it possible to calculate cumulated yields for a certain number of years (eg 25) taking into account % degradation (eg 0,5%)?

It would be very useful for optimizing certain input field variables...

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Jose (Tecnun)

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In order to calculate 25 year approx yield, I have been running a batch simulation where I increase the module quality loss by 0.5% per year and then run the simulation 25 times. This way only the modules are "degrading." I'd like to get some feedback on what you think about this approach.
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  • 2 months later...
Well the way I've been doing this is just assuming that in each year from year 1 to 25 the production will be 0.5% less than the last year. I know it's not precise but might give you an idea about what happens with your yeld. It's the same concept as NPV- Net present value.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Dauslend,

How do you do it? I really dont know how to make 25 simulations in batch mode, as the csv file only "write" SIM_1 so when i simulate it calculates only one year...

Thanks in advance my best regards


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