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Why do JinkoSolar PV Modules that are used with Maxim Optimizers have a large module quality loss?

Bruno Wittmer

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In PVsyst Versions up to 6.52, when a System is defined with PV modules of Jinkosolar together with Maxim optimizers, the default value for the 'Module Quality Loss' becomes 3%.

This value differs from the case where the same modules are used without Maxim optimizers. In this case the default 'Module Quality loss' is 0.8%.

The discrepancy is due to the fact that, by mistake, in the PVsyst Database, the Jinkosolar PV modules for Maxim optimizers, were not assigned a lower Tolerance for Pnom.


The correct value of the lower tolerance should be zero, as for the modules without Maxim optimizers.

The definition of the Jinkosolar Maxim modules will be corrected in PVsyst V6.53. Until then, the following approach will correct the problem:

Correct the PAN file by opening it, and writing the value 0 in the field 'Tol. -'. Save under a new file name and use this new PAN file for the simulation. Once the PVsyst database has been corrected, these PAN files can be discarded.


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