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Simulation without DNI


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I'm trying to do a special simulation- running the simulation without the DNI (only diffusive radiation, meaning global = diffusive)

I've built a meteo file and uploaded it into PVsyst but when I try to run the simulation I get this massage:

"Invalid meteo file: the Clearness index of the best clear days is very low with respect to the clear sky model. check the meteo data"

and it wont let me run the simulation

does anyone know how to overcome this?



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OK I've manage to do that.

based on http://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2489

in short: on the main page under preference (second top menu) -> edit hidden parameters -> Miscellaneous: Meteo, Simulation, ... --> change the best Ktcc: days have strogly low value' and 'best ktcc number of exceptional days' to zero and 365 respectively

I've attached pictures with the steps.






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