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Error: Definition of the meteo data


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I am using monthly average values of global horizontal and temperature in order to create a Syntetic Hourly meteo file for a specific location.

When I try to import the meteo file/location in the Project Design definiton, appears a message saying: "Error. Definition of the meteo data. The monthly diffuse irradiation is not defined for this site". This fact doesn´t allow me to work with the file/location created. When I try to continue in the "Orientation" option, no radiation values appear for the analysis.

I didn´t use diffuse values to generate the syntetic hourly meteo file but I understand is not necessary. When I had a look to the meteo file ("Tables" option) I realize that a diffuse radiation value was generated as expected.

Could you help me with this issue? What can be wrong? Some orther files created some months ago in the same way are working properly.

Thanks in advanced.

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