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How to upgrade PVsyst

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The easiest way to update is to use the "New PVsyst release available" button (see the attached screen capture) and follow the instruction to download and install the new version:




Note that you have to wait a few seconds before this button appears on the main dialog.

This method is recommended for the licensed users because it automatically takes care of the end of your support period. You get then clear information on PVsyst last available version and last available licensed version. In the example below, my update support has expired before v6.4.4 was released so v6.4.3 is the last version I can use in licensed mode:



Note that you can access more detailed information about updating software in PVsyst help using the help button: ?

If you wish to subscribe to an additional year of update support, please register your order on our web site at https://www.pvsyst.com/shop-prices/

If your support has expired and you wish to evaluate the latest available PVsyst version then download manually the latest version of PVsyst directly from our web site:


and select the Parallel Install option during installation so you can still work with the old version:



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