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  1. I've ran two simulations, both of them are a 3MW (12 x 250kW inverters) and 4,066MWp array, two different sites. The first simulation, let's call it Plant 1, I got the value of -4,06% Inverter loss due to nominal inverter power. The second plant, Plant 2, with the same inverter and array configuration, I got the value of only -1,82% loss. Plant 1 Plant 2 When I spotted this difference I figured it could be due to the respective plant sites, which are distinct. So I inverted the sites in both simulations, but it didn't make much of a difference: It's noticeable that the inverter temperature loss changes properly, but the inverter loss duo to nominal inv. power is about the same. Plant 1 - Inverted site Plant 2 - Inverted site I can't figure out what exactly is causing this Inv. loss duo to nom. inv. power, but it's certainly about each simulation's parameter. Can somebody help me with this issue? What parameter could be causing this significant difference?
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