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  1. Hello, I am looking to include estimated losses from a power systems study to make my PVsyst report more accurate. In the report the total losses are given in kW, to get this to a % losses at STC, what power should I divide this by? Total installed capacity (DC) - this is what seems right AC inverter capacity Export capacity (less than inverter capacity in this case) I can't find the answer on the PVsyst help pages, hope you can help me. Kind regards, James.
  2. I want to design a solar system (15.48 KW =36 Modules x 430 w per module) on two roof (28 panels on one roof and 8 on other) having tilt angle of 30 and 20 degree respectively at location of 41°18'06.0"N 0°59'17.8"E. I selected Pv module of 430 W and a hybrid inverter (8KW) of Fronius_Symo_Gen24_8_0_Plus.OND (Fronius International) having 2 MMPT inputs. During Design, I configured 18 module in series for 1 inverters and the same for other. Each inverter have 2 MPPT so i have following confusions. 1. Do i need to configure 4 strings (each of 9 module in series) with 1 string for each MPPT or to connect 18 module with one mppt? (Please review snap) 2. Location is Northern hemisphere, so panel should be faced towards south having azimuth angle of 180 degree. But when i select 180 degree, Loss due to Optimum goes upto 42% (snap attached) while it comes 10% when azimuth angle of 0 degree. Why it is happening? 3. What will be azimuth angle in my configuration ? 4. What can be the best configurations ( No of strings and MPPT inverter)? Valuable Expert opinion and prompt response will be highly appreciated, please.. 3.
  3. I want to design a solar system (15.48 KW =36 Modules x 430 w per module) on two roof (28 panels on one roof and 8 on other) having tilt angle of 30 and 20 degree respectively at location of 41°18'06.0"N 0°59'17.8"E. I selected Pv module of 430 W and a hybrid inverter (8KW) of Fronius_Symo_Gen24_8_0_Plus.OND (Fronius International) having 2 MMPT inputs. During Design, I configured 18 module in series for 1 inverters and the same for other. Each inverter have 2 MPPT so i have following confusions. 1. Do i need to configure 4 strings (each of 9 module in series) with 1 string for each MPPT or to connect 18 module with one mppt? (Please review snap) 2. Location is Northern hemisphere, so panel should be faced towards south having azimuth angle of 180 degree. But when i select 180 degree, Loss due to Optimum goes upto 42% (snap attached) while it comes 10% when azimuth angle of 0 degree. Why it is happening? 3. What will be azimuth angle in my configuration ? 4. What can be the best configurations ( No of strings and MPPT inverter)? Valuable Expert opinion and prompt response will be highly appreciated, please.. 3.
  4. Can we have the option to input or limit AC ohmic losses and MV losses to a certain percentage? Example- In below attached snip, we always try to limit the Auxiliaries to 0.15% and AC ohmic and MV transfo losses to 1% for every project or varient. We have to run multiple simulations while changing the values in Detailed losses section.
  5. Hi, everyone. I'm trying to simulate a Grid Connected PV Plant, but I need the PR results in the report without PV Losses due to temperature. How can I indicate PVsyst not to calculate these losses and have an ideal PR with all temperatures equal to 25ºC (STC).
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