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  1. I need to import components. PVsyst team please advise on resolution.
  2. I updated to version 6.76 and I'm having issues importing new components. After I select the correct folder with the .pan or .ond file, no files are listed. Imported or not. Need help please.....[/img]
  3. I am also having this problem for certain projects.
  4. Per the release notes for v6.60: "Import of Meteo files from new providers (NSRDB, SolarAnywhere, 3-Teir, etc.) I do not see the option as described in then help section under "Importing NREL's NSRD data" Please advise.
  5. Solarguru, Thank you for the response. Do you have to change the data field numbers in the *.MEF file? They are not lining up properly we looking at the fields in the file
  6. Jean-Marie, When downloading the data from the viewer, which data do we select on the PSM tab beyond the GHI described in the instructions? Particularly in the "Years" section. Do we select from PSM tab or MTS2? Thank you for the clarification.
  7. Has there been any movement on extending the power optimizer definitions inside the software? I can not go beyond 19 with a 72 mono when design guidelines define the use of 20.
  8. I have been getting errors when opening PV module files. Error: File ".DS_store": ReadLn: Line too long Do you want to invalidate it? Then I click OK and get another error screen asking me to Retstart and/or close PVsyst. Please advise
  9. Thank you Jfish! It's a very annoying Bug. PVsyst please fix ASAP.
  10. Since upgrading to v6.23 I have not been able to print to either my Blubeam PDF printer or my native PDF printer. Please advise ASAP
  11. I am converting a logo in illustrator. What is the proper size to use to avoid distortion?
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