Some parameters within PVsyst would be presented at 2 different locations. As far as I know, LID and IAM could be reached from either PAN or “Detailed losses”. Why two accesses are set for them? If module manufacture set them in PAN file, and want users to run the simulation with the defined values, then it would be possible for user to modify them when setting up the model, without modifying the PAN file. And it may result in a different yield simulation result. In nowadays, some customers require module manufactures provide some kind of yield warranty, and a customized PAN file would be used in this case. Definitely, modification to the parameters would make some confusion. Could the two be integrated to one? Or which one would be used to run the simulation within PVsyst? BTW, regarding LID loss in “Additional Data” -> “Secondary parameter”, the link of help was wrongly directed to “Array Thermal Loss” page (A bug?).