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  1. Hi, Is it possible to import into PVSyst a user file with inverter instantaneous power measurements but without weather data? My case is as follows: I have data with average inverter output power recorded every 15 minutes (from Sunnyportal). Each day is stored in a separate file having 96 records. The hour and minute is stored in the record, while the year, month and day are stored in the file name. There is no additional information (temperature, irradiance) in the files. I would like to import this data in order to analyze the performance of the PV installation, but the "Coversion of custom measured" tool requires that the file also contain weather data. Is it possible to bypass this requirement any way?
  2. A month has passed and this function still does not work. The error is in PVSYST and not on PVGIS because the manual download from PVGIS works fine. Best regards Janusz
  3. The problem relates to downloading data through the "Know format" function and not when creating a new site (TMY from PVGIS).
  4. PVSyst (ver 7.3.4) still does not import meteo data from PVGIS (both version 5.2 and 5.1). Manually downloading files from PVGIS works perfectly, so the problem is on the PVSyst side.
  5. Hi! I would like to test (simulate) the same PV system with various meteo files (I have meteo data for my location for period of 10 years). How to do it without creating whole electrical (PV panels, cables, inverters) and geometrical (localization, orientation, horizon) structure of the pv system each time from begining. When I'm trying to create new variant of project with new meteo file all important data mentioned above are lost!!!
  6. In my opinion taking daily values of wind velocity from ascii file (constant value for given day) is much better solution than taking monthly average from site description (constant value for all days in given month). I hope it be implemented soon in next version of PVsyst. You are doing good job with development of PVsyst software, Andre! Best Regards Johnny
  7. I have daily ASCII meteo file for my site (Global Horizontal Irradiation, Ambient temperature, Wind Velocity). When I'm trying to import it to PVsyst v5.62 (Import ASCII meteo file, Daily data, Markov distribution) irradiation and temperature data are properly converted to *.met file, but Wind Velocity data are equal 0. When I uncheck Wind velocity in "Meteo Variables" this data are taken to *.met from site description (monthly average). Could someone check it and try to explain?
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