Hello Fellow PVsyst Modelers! I have a (hopefully) quick question regarding using the default values for multiple transformers in a system. For example, I have the following system: Module Strings > DC Combiner > Inverter > Unit Transformer > GSU Transformer (at substation) > (Meter) > Transmission grid tie-in. My colleagues and I have determined how to use the Ohmic losses Detailed Computation to obtain loss fractions at STC for each of those stages separately, which we then add together outside of PVsyst and put the sum of the losses in the DC or in AC as applicable. On the external transformer, there are two in the system: the Unit transformer, and the GSU transformer. Assuming that we have the constant loss and inductive losses at STC for both, can we enter the sum of these losses for both the unit transformer and the GSU in the corresponding fields in the "External Transformer" section? Extending that, in case we do not have such detailed information, can we use double the default values? Is this approach accurate? Thank you, Link