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  1. Thank you.
  2. I am using PVsyst Version 6.88. Can someone help me understand how to define this parameter correctly for micro inverters? The default value is 2.5%. Can this be lower for micro inverters when we assign 1 micro inverter for 1 PV module? Thanks
  3. I am facing the same problem. Unable to define an unbalanced inverter with 4 MPPTs. Can the PVsyst team help please?
  4. Even after upgrading to the latest version 6.75, I continue to face the problem of being unable to record the Shading animations. The .mp4 file never gets recorded. The operating System in my laptop is Windows 10. Can PVSysts experts please advise? Thanks
  5. I have just installed the latest program update (Nov 2017) However, I continue to face the same problem of saving the shadings animation as an .mp4 file. Can anyone help please? Thanks
  6. I would like to know what the option - "Free" mounted modules with air circulation means? Does this option apply to free standing modules mounted on frames with no obstruction for airflow behind the modules or does this refer to any kind of forced cooling with use of fans etc? Thanks
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