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Everything posted by Intertechne

  1. Dear Andre, I am wondering why the clipping loss due the inverter overload is different when i compare two identical simulations regarding DC:AC ratio and others simulations parameters. The only difference is reduced numbers of inverters or a higher number of modules in order to obtain the same DC:AC ratio for both simulations. There is any difference if i increase the number of modules (higher DC power) or reduce the number of inverters (lower AC power) in the clipping loss output? The Vmpp value is the same for both simulation because the number os modules in series does not chance. The only change is the number of strings or the number of inverters. There is an explanation for this? Thank you in advance.
  2. Dear Andre, Why the designing criteria, on the "System" window, does not consider the inverter maximum input current as a restriction, warning when the total array short circuit current is higher then the inverter DC current? Isn´t that should be consider a problem in the design? Thank you in advance
  3. Dear PVsyst experts, To perform a DC:AC ratio analysis which would be more accurate? To increase the DC fields (number of modules) ou to reduce the AC power (number of inverters) ? When i choose to reduce the AC power and in order to perform DC:AC ratio steps i use inverters with reduced power, for example, 10 inverters of 100 kW and therefore reduce the number of inverters to make the steps of DC:AC ratio eventhough the actual inverter is only one of 1000 kW. I noticed that depending on the type of inverter the clipping loss will change significantly when using, for example, 10 inverters of 100 kW instead of 1 inverter of 1000 kW eventhoug their efficiency curves and limitation curves are very similar. Does anyone have a suggestion why the difference? What would be more appropriate? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, I am wondering why there is a difference between the irradiance shown on the Orientation page after i define a plane tilt and the azimuth angle and the irradiance on the collector plane shown on the Results Report at the table "GlobInc". Should be the same value both of them, should not? Why the simulation changes this value? Thanks in advance
  5. ok, thanks for the tip and for the help!
  6. Does anyone know if i can go back to a previously version after i update to a new one? Because of this BUG that doesnt allow me to create a new site but inserting the difuse irradiation i am not been able to perform new simulations. Thanks to anyone who can help
  7. Hello, There is a bug when i try to create a new meteo site on version 6.44 which didnt happen before on the previously versions. PVsyst doenst identify the values of irradiation even though when i insert them Any suggestions?
  8. Hello, On version 6.42 when we try to create a new meteo site eventhough when the Global Irrad collum is fulfilled PVsyst shows an error. The only way to make it works is using the "paste" button. Regards
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