Hello André, thanks for this forum and also for the suggestions topic. My conception of how the data for the objects in near shading scene stored is a bit blurry, but I hope it is possible to implement this suggestion. Exporting the scene to a .csv file, editing that file and then importing again to PVsyst would save enourmous time in editing big and complicated projects. I believe the objects has several parameters such as; x-y-z coordinates, tilt, azimuth, slope, baseline slope, pitch, misalign, dimensions and spacings, origin point etc. If I am not wrong, at the moment there is no possibility to change the some of these parameters(such as slope or baseline slope) as a batch process and a way to adjust other parameters in an area or whole scene according to the changed parameter. On the other hand this would make it possible to design a big power plant without any visual construction but with constructing a csv file. Tunay