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Everything posted by tunay

  1. Hi André, thanks for your answer and the new novelties in the software. Right now the ground data import is saving a lot of time. However, would it be possible to import a "Zone" in a similar way from a .csv file? Tunay
  2. Hello André, thanks for this forum and also for the suggestions topic. My conception of how the data for the objects in near shading scene stored is a bit blurry, but I hope it is possible to implement this suggestion. Exporting the scene to a .csv file, editing that file and then importing again to PVsyst would save enourmous time in editing big and complicated projects. I believe the objects has several parameters such as; x-y-z coordinates, tilt, azimuth, slope, baseline slope, pitch, misalign, dimensions and spacings, origin point etc. If I am not wrong, at the moment there is no possibility to change the some of these parameters(such as slope or baseline slope) as a batch process and a way to adjust other parameters in an area or whole scene according to the changed parameter. On the other hand this would make it possible to design a big power plant without any visual construction but with constructing a csv file. Tunay
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