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Everything posted by KeithG

  1. Hi, Thank you for the quick response. I have created an example - it is a bit of an extreme example in that the array is heavily oversized. I expected the plateau would occur somewhere along the grey line (that I had added to the pic). Also note - battery capacity and daily load = 26.9 kWh but the effective output of the array goes well above the grey line. EDIT: I have tried a non-default regulator and I witnessed a plateau as expected, perhaps the issue is related to ticking the 'default regulator' check box? Kind regards Keith
  2. Hi, This isn't the most important question, but I'm curious.. I simulated a system that was oversized and I noticed that the input/output diagram did not plateau as expected, it continued in linearly. Is there a maximum % for the unused energy loss? It looks like unused energy (due to full battery) is capped at 50%? Thanks Keith
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