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  1. Thank you for the response. I confirm some further details for the scenario in question 3. This occurs when using the Output File with Batch simulation. The BatchResults file is created, but does not contain any values, even though the Results variables has been specified. This however isn't such a big issue as the results are also easily specified in the Output File itself. The Output File works very well, especially if combined with batch mode.
  2. Hi, Thank you for the continuous improvement of the software. I'm using ver. 6.35 for batch simulation. I've noticed that: 1. The help file still refers to functionality in the 6.24 version, such as the save mode - eg. "Mode and File definition page" In the latest version there is no option for copy of monthly tables after each simulation. 2. In the save mode, there is a radio button option for "Save" or "Save As" - I assume this is to over write or save new VCi files during each simulation - this option box keeps disappearing. 3. The Results variables specification tab - These variables doesn't seem to be updated in the BatchResults CSV file. 4. In the Meteo and Save Mode tab, "Create hourly files" - It is not clearly shown, but this option seems to inherit the output file setup on the simulation start screen. Thus the "hourly files" can actually be any output file, including monthly values. - Could you indicate that in the help file? Kind Regards, Hennie
  3. Hi, I'm trying to simulate the sensitivity to the Uc, constant loss factor and Uv, wind loss factor. When setting up my batch file, I successfully managed to determine a variance in module temperature due to change in Uc, however any change in Uv does not make any difference to the module temperature. I confirmed that the wind speed is not zero and varies between 0.11 and 8.6 m/s. When making the Uv factor change manually and running single simulations after each change, I do notice a variance in module temperature. Can you please confirm that batch simulation is working correctly for the Uv parameter? Thank you. Kind Regards, Hennie
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