We are curious as to how the All-Trackers Option in the Diffuse Shading Definition is calculated. Is it taking each individual tracker and calculating the shade as an average amongst the totality of the site? or is there another method.
We are working on a site that has some segregated areas that may not experience as much shade compared to the center of our larger rectangular area. in this instance what choice would be the most appropriate?
The site is 440 MW.
We have done multiple runs:
version 7 we obtained = 1647 specific yield
Version 8 All Trackers = 1587 specific yield
Version 8 Center Tracker = 1633 specific yield
Using the center tracker, brings us closer to the Version 7 yield however does that that equate to a more accurate and viable choice, or does the significant drop to 1587 provide a more accurate representation of our site.