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  1. You are right, globlnc now almost matches! I still have a big difference from what I would expect based on actual nearby data but at least we got to the bottom of this!! Any idea what could cause such a difference between expectations based on last 2 years of actual nearby data and simulation? To be more exact, I have a 0,5MW PV fixed tilt station that is 2kms away from the simulated location and last two years produced an average of 1750Kwh/Kwp/year. I would assume installing one axis N-S trackers would uplift production by about 15%-20%. Now in the simulation with a couple of different meteo files (solcast TMT and meteonorm 8.1 synthetic) we start from a specific production without tracker of c. 1530 KWh/Kwp and then when having trackers with range between 1687Kwh/jkwp for the 3d scene (a 10% difference vs fixed tilt) and 1799kwh/kwp/year for the generic unlimited trackers simulation. Overall I am trying to figure what I am doing wrong and cannot simulate more accurately. - Is it that the meteo files I have do not support the actual data from last two years - and even so, why does the 3d scene defined simulation only produces a 10% uplift with the trackers? Any guidance would be much appreciated!!
  2. Maybe the loss diagrams, attached, could help guiding in what is driving this difference?
  3. Hi, thanks for the reply, I have tried using backtracking and not. it did not make that much of a difference. Also have tried running the same meteo file and again not a significant difference. The difference seems to be coming from introducing a 3d scene but cannot figure out what I am doing wrong or what the parameter of significance is. This is a rather big difference to not understand and could be the difference in the project being viable or not. Your help and guidance in figuring this out is much appreciated! I am attaching the 3d scene and orientation settings in case you can spot something wrong as I do not have the knowledge or experience to get to the bottom of this 🙂 tnx, DK
  4. I am new to PVSyst and have a problem understanding where some significant differences in GlobInc are coming between two different simulations for the same site. One is simplistic and does not use a 3d scene and the other has a defined PV array and 3d scene. I would expect maybe to see some reductions in production from the detail in the simulation but here I have a significant difference that I need to make sense off. , not sure if I should open a new thread though. The orientation is optimal N-S in the 3d scene and I see no material losses from shading. The starting value of the Globlinc is materially different and I think this is what produces a very low specific production for the 3d scene simulation vs the simplistic one and vs some actual data from a nearby fixed tilt PV that I have data for. It might be worth noting I am using a different meteo file for the two, however the starting point (GlobHor) is very similar so I do not think this is the cause of the difference. Any help, guidance or explanation on what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated. tnx, DK
  5. I am new to PVSyst and have a similar problem, not sure if I should open a new thread though. I have made to simulations for the same site. One has a defined 3d scene, the other does not and uses standard settings. This is a one axis N-S tracking system where I get a significant difference in the GlobInc values (almost 20% lower without the 3d scene) and cannot figure out why. The orientation is optimal N-S in the 3d scene and I see no material losses from shading. The starting value of the Globlinc is materially different and I think this is what produces a very low specific production for the 3d scene simulation. It might be worth noting I am using a different meteo file for the two, however the starting point (GlobHor) is very similar so I do not think this is the cause of the difference. Any help, guidance or explanation on what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated. tnx, DK
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