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Everything posted by beredisqq

  1. Regarding times when the tracking angle would be non-zero, the optimization feature adjusts the orientation according to the best irradiance received by the trackers. So, in conditions that are only partially cloudy, where direct irradiance still plays a significant role, the trackers would not necessarily be in a flat position. Instead, they would adjust to optimize the combination of direct and diffuse irradiance received
  2. Increasing the orientation tolerance in the management tool can help simplify the model by reducing the number of orientations you need to define. However, this comes at the cost of accuracy. The maximum tolerance recommended to avoid significant inaccuracies is typically around 0.5° for discriminating orientation differences between shading planes, and 1.0° for the maximum orientation difference when defining an average orientation.
  3. Your string configuration should match the voltage and current requirements of your inverters. For the Sungrow 250-HX, you’ll need to check the maximum and minimum input voltage and the MPPT voltage range to ensure that your strings of 18 and 21 (or 23 for the last MPPT input) panels are within these specifications. It’s common practice to slightly oversize PV arrays relative to the inverter capacity to account for losses and to maximize energy production, especially in areas with less-than-ideal solar irradiance. However, too much oversizing can lead to inverter clipping during peak production times. The message about the inverter being “strongly oversized” suggests that your current design may exceed the inverter’s capacity more than is typical or recommended.
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