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  1. Yes it is done thank you so much !
  2. Hello PvSyst team I would like to know if the PVsyst software can communicate with external software such as Matlab or Python in the interest of coupling it with an optimization procedure that calculates some parameters necessary for a PVsyst project. My best regards
  3. Hello PvSyst team Thank you for your valuable response, I went back to the same data of a scientific paper that requires 5 kW of power desired and the same quality of panel and inverter. But when I select 5 panels in a series, I get this error (In Screen shot), so when I wanted to solve this error, I had to have 7 panels in a series. What should I do in this case, provided that I do not change the quality of the panels and inverter and maintain the same characteristics ? My best regards
  4. Hello Please tell me how i activate the bifacial system ,i don't understand your suggestion because i working on bifacial pv system ! My best regards
  5. But sir, I don't find GlobBak in my PvSyst programme version 7.4 What i do in that case ? Thank you in advance
  6. Thank you so much !
  7. Hello PvSyst team How to vary the height ,Albedo, spacing and tilted angle in same batch simulation of my bifacial pv system in batch simulation in order to see those effects in Annual energy output ! Please help me. Thank you in advance !
  8. Hi PvSyst group ! I want to understand why when I enter the disired power value of my system a value =5kwp and when I run the simulation I get a simulation report where the disered power value is changed to 7kwp!what is the reason for this change ? Is this normal? if not, what should I do? Please help me !
  9. Thank you for your valuable replay ! So i would to know that incident global irradiation in the collector plane on the front side "GlobInc" and Global inclined plan of front face "GTI_front" are the same or no. My best regards
  10. Hello PvSyst Team In the case of bifacial Pv Please tell me what is the indication of Global inclined plane is the same Global inclined plan of front face (GTI_front) or no . because when I enter the value of albedo=20% ,and albedo=0% ,I find the almost equal values of Global inclined plane . you will find attached the screenshots Also des it existed a GTI_rear values in PvSyst ? tell me please ! My best regards
  11. Thank you for your replay But i readed a scientific article which it mentioned that off grid installation contains Monfacial and bifacial array in same installation ,and the simulation Pv syst is done . I dont understand the idea which do it .Please help me ! The link of scientific article :https://pure.hw.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/85114343/1_s2.0_S1755008423000066_main.pdf My best regards
  12. Hello PvSyst team Please tell me how to do a off grid instalation contains Bifacial pv array and Monofacial array in same time ,how do it that with PvSystem My best regards
  13. Hello PvSyst team I would knowing how i find the Daily extra-terrestrial irradiation on horizontal plane (H0) or the sunset hour angle in order to calculate H0 in PvSyst or a auther ideas to get them Thank you verry much.
  14. Thank you so much for your replay, i have another questions which are : is the pv syst get us this histogrammes or it must take a values from pv syst and used them in excel in order to have this histogrammes. And for the capacity of system ,i dont find it like a parameter of input in batch simulation, i find also the tilt angle and albedo, so what i do in this case. My grateful salutations
  15. Hello PvSyst community ! Please i need a idea how to get this graphs in batch simulation ? My best regards
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