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Everything posted by mohaned

  1. Similarly, i am seeing similar issue. I tried to run the simulation once with and without power factor. which gave a difference in output power. However, i am not seeing added clipping losses. Where is the extra loss coming from? and how to justify just loss?
  2. I have been trying different layouts, where my string count and DC, LV, MV and HV losses are changing. I do not see the option to add MV and HV cablers as variables. is there a way to include them?
  3. I am running ageing simulation, i need to produce hourly files, for a few of the simulation years, but they are not produced. is that possible? i ticked the generate report and output file tabs, and i get a pdf report, but no hourly file.
  4. Hello, regarding the temperature shift, what bases should i consider for this, does it depend on inverter installation method (ex. directly in field, under canopy, in Skid, etc.), do I get this value from the manufacturers, and does PVsyst have any recommendations for values or methodology to consider?
  5. I have a project where I was asked to add a geo membrane to improve Albedo. The supplier gave me the Albedo value for the membrane but also gave me the annual degradation values for the material reflectivity. I wanted to run a batch simulation where i change the Albedo with the years but i can't find this option. Is there another way to do it?
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