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R. Polášek

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Everything posted by R. Polášek

  1. Hello. I would like to inquire about the mentioned fix that was supposed to come in v8.0. The issue persists even in the latest version and is somehow even more problematic than before (the entire inverter definition window for optimizers is not working properly). Thank you in advance for your reply.
  2. Hello, While putting together a Huawei based system I encountered a series of errors related to the use of Huawei optimizers and am currently unable to progress past the system configuration. Below, I will try to explain the process and the individual errors I am encountering. The system is composed of 1 inverter (the Huawei SUN2000-40KTL-M3-400V) split into 4 separate sub-arrays, each consisting of 1 MPPT with 2 strings. Along with the Huawei inverter, Huawei optimizers were selected and distributed across all PV modules, leading to compulsory string configuration which was set up as seen below: This was not immediately possible and I had to manualy close this window and quickly edit the total module number by a few modules more and then back in order to get rid of automated errors claiming the strings were not distributed correctly (unfortunately I was not able to replicate this bug in my latest session). The problem however remains and while the inverter input distributions claims the string / MPPTs are distribute dcorrectly, there is error at the bottom preventing me from continuing further: Following the blue text instructions just leads to the reset of the atribution and after repeating the process I arrive at the exact same error of "2 strings strings doubled in the inverter list". If I press okay and then confirm that I want to keep the changes even with the error present, I get brought back to the system window and something even stranger happens, the total AC power just randomly changes from the expected 40kW of the 40kW inverter to seemingly random value up to 40 (30kW AC in the example below): This persists until the total number of pv modules in any sub-array is changed but this action resets the string configuration of optimizers, requiring me to go through the process again and eventually just leading to the same result (this time the nominal AC power was changed from 40 to 34,7 kW, next time it was 30,4 kW). If I decide to close the system definition menu using the OK button even though the following error is displayed I am not able to proceed further. Furthermore, if I decide to save the project at this point, the whole program crashes. I have sent the bug report via email. Thank you in advance for any replies or answers to this post, I hope this can lead to quick solution of these problems. R. P.
  3. Hello, Recently I was performing several simulations with the aging tool and came across a substantial problem. When the agign simulation finished, the original sim. variant for year one was no longer displayign any site or weather data in the report and in the overview they were marked as UNDEFINED (even though they are clearly defined in the site file). In the aging variants for the following years where reports were generated, the data was showing correctly. Interestingly, when I created a copy of the original variant, the system changed which diffuse data it was using and the cloned variant was showing different results after simulation (diffuse data changed from ERBS (in the faulty undefined variant) to PEREZ, METEONORM in the new variant (cloned from the first one). This complicates things quite a bit because suddenly there are different results and secondly I am not able to create a complete report of the results, including aging, without the report missing the weather and site data information. I would like to know how to proceed (to get a complete report including aging without the important data missing) and what might cause the change in what PVSyst uses as diffuse data. Thank you in advance for your swift response. R. P.
  4. Hello again, I would just like to inquire about possible release time frame of the 7.4.6 version. Thank you in advance for your answer.
  5. Hello. In the most recent version of PVsyst 7.4, the use of Huawei optimizers mandates only connecting a single string to each mppt. This should be correct only for the new model of Huawei optimizers (MERC 1100 and 1300W). The older optimizers (450 and 600W-P) should not have this limitation as they can be (as is explicitly stated in the manufacturer's user manuals) connected to a single MPPT in paralel, meaning two strings with partial or full set of optimizers can be connected to a single mppt (bearing in mind the other important rules that the manufacturer states). I have also tested this the older version of PVsyst (7.3) and the limitation for single string/mppt was correctly not present in that version, only in 7.4. I would like to ask that this problem is looked at and if possible corrected for the SUN2000-450W-P and SUN2000-600W-P optimizers. And if possible, if the newer version of 450W optimizers (P2 instead of P) could be also added to the Huawei optimizer database. Thank you in advance. R. P.
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