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Everything posted by rMotta

  1. In My MEF only selected the GTI and Tamb. So I create "reference MET" and then change manually (encode62) the GlPMeas, GlobHor and DiffHor to my field measurements. Lets call the last one as "edited MET". When I use "edited MET" to simulate the system, the hourly output shows: GlobHor = edited GlobHor; DiffHor = edited DiffHor; GlobInc < edited GlPMeas (4,9%). The simulation don't use my edited GlPMeas.
  2. I see that the .MET file always compute GlobHor and DiffHor from GlPMeas. So I tried to change manually the GlPMeas, GlobHor and DiffHor to my field measurements. Even using Hay in the Project Settings, my simulation output shows: GlobHor = modified GlobHor; DiffHor = modified DiffHor; GlobInc < modified GlPMeas (4,9%). So what is the rule? Is there a range that GlobHor can change from GlPMeas and disable the GTI measurements? Is there any Advanced parameters to change and allow the use of measured GTI?
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