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Everything posted by simsim

  1. Good morning I have to sizing a stand alone system with a capacity of 21775Wh (4355Wh/day) for 5 day of autonomie. I choice 24 *2v HOPPECKE with 801Ah. When i opened battery folder I saw that PVsyst defined automaticely current with hours of discharge (from C10value) and also a specific model which decrease or increase this values to get as close as possible to the real model. Can we confirm myself that software really take appropriate C value with a correct time discharge value ? (corresponding to my system?) Because intuitively i will choose the maximum value (C100) of HOPPECKE datasheet but i'm not sure.... Secondly for an other project i have to create a battery that dont exist in the data base. I suppose that if i enter the C10 value and specify the type of technologie the software will calculate automaticli others C values(linear) and applied OPZs technologie coefficient ? Thanks to your answer Sincerely LAUR Simon
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