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Vladislav Iliev

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  1. Thank you, Linda. Bifacial error is ressolved. Turns out it was matter of extending deviation on the pitch. The matter of orientaiton: If we import single orientataion vertical frames (PVCase generated-fixed tilt), how can we redefine/be sure witch side ot the PV pannels is the face in the 3d scene?
  2. Dear all. Asking for advice how to treat simulation variant with 2 TMYs -P50 and P90. Any differences exept the weather data file ? Sincerely, Vladislav.
  3. Dear all. Interested in any and all information about modeling of Vertical solar panels, east - west orientation, with bifacial modules. 0.Best frame/ pitch layout 1.How to avoid errors with bicaial (irregular array) 2. How to model into one scene panels facing east and west. (Define facing directions and partitions)
  4. Hello everyone. Any idea why azimuth parameter is not option in optimisation tool. Project is with SAT. Sincerely, Vladislav
  5. Hello. I have the following staging: same site and two single axis tracker (N-S) variants: - idenatical parameters expet the azimuth.One is 0 degree , one is -47degree. - Backtracking is ON, Latitude 44° 49' 0" N, flat/No terrain Results of simulation indicate better overall performance of the 47degree. Whitch contradicts with articles about performace of deviations from the 0 azimuth. Main difference comes from near shadings. Can someone explain those results? Comparison attached. Sincerely, Vladislav
  6. How panels with sub-modules should be configured (e.g. partitionwise / fraction for electrical effect,%) ? Any cases /examples when fraction for electrical effect should be set to less then 100% ?
  7. Hi. In help-section explanation of the "Effect of the by-pass diodes" starts with 3 hypotesis and states: Fraction for electrical loss should always be set to 100% How would that change in case of PV modules with 3 sub-modules in portrait orientation ?
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