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  1. Is there a chance you would consider to add an option to add unavailability as direct production loss? A certain %, similar to spoiling losses.
  2. Let's consider the diagram loss attached. How the 176 kWh/m2 for bifacial gain is calculated? Because if you take 1111 kWh/m2 and apply all the losses/gains (-73.71%, -81.34%, +15.6%, +0%, -9.9%), you don't reach the value 176 kWh/m2. 176 kWh/m2 is the 7.07% of 2488 kWh/m2. But even if you apply the bifacial losses/gains to 2488 kWh/m2, you also don't get 176 kWh/m2.
  3. wow really? I hope they did not remove this option, it was really really helpful.
  4. I thought this was related to the "Copper (resistive) loss" but I don't think this is the case.
  5. You can actually put 2 digits values and I think PVSYST actually considers 2 digits values, but the value is rounded as soon as you exit the Detailed Losses window, making it very confusing.
  6. It's a bit tedious to browse between the hundreds of brands that I will never use. So is it possible to remove some of the manufacturers with all the PV modules/inverters associated to that manufacturer?
  7. Perfect, thanks André. That's what I thought. Regards.
  8. Is the "Flags" value in the OND files like a checksum to check the validity of the file, or "Flags" contains other information? I'm trying to find in the OND file the line about how is the Nominal AC Power defined (Active or Apparent), but I cannot find any line with this.
  9. Thanks André for your answer. The Input/Output diagram is very helpful. Is it possible to get a hourly graph instead of daily? I believe after that I would be able to apply the correction due to the temperature.
  10. Hello guys, I am working in a personal Excel tool where I want to know at specific hour, what is the E_grid of a project based on the Irradiance GTI and the Ambient Temperature. I can get an hourly output file with this information, but I can see I have many gaps. For instance, for an irradiance between 800 and 900 W/m2, I don't have any hour where the Ambient Temperature is below 8°C. So I was thinking on creating my own TMY model with the GHI and Ambient Temperature that I need to create a more accurate table. However, I think this is not an easy job, because of the model that PVSYST uses "clear sky index". If the irradiance that I use in my customized TMY is too far from PVSYST model, it won't let me do the simulation. I think this can be bypassed modifying some hidden parameters (ktcc and clear), but I am not sure what I should change. Can anyone please tell me? Does anyone has any different solution for this problem? I mean for having quick E_grid with GTI and Temp as inputs. Doing the matrix I noticed that different hours with same irradiance and same temperature, PVSYST gives different E_grid values (I guess there are many other variables). But the difference is for most of the points less than 10%, which is accurate enough for me.
  11. If so, where can I find more information? I cannot find anything in HELP, FORUM, FAQ, etc...
  12. I mean parameters like PV module model, inverter model, number of PV modules, quantity of strings, LID and degradation used in the generation, etc. I don't mean the hourly/monthly results, but the parameters that you used to simulate the solar system. With this I will be able to prepare a quick report based on the input data used in PVSYST. Thanks in advance.
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