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Rachel Hamilton

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  1. Hi PVsyst forum! I have just completed two PVsyst models with the intention of comparing the near shading losses and I had a question about the electrical shading loss observed on one of them. The main difference is that one variant was modeled with Jinko Solar JKM400M-72HL-V modules and the other with First Solar FS-6480-P. Obviously given the difference in DC size, the overall array DC size is different and the module count is slightly different also. However, factors like the pitch, table spacing, etc, are the same between the two. I opened the same shading zone without modifying any of the area limits or any shading features, and all I did after switching the modules was change the table from "by sensitive area" to "modules" and then set the tables to 2x6 in portrait (the same between both variants), and then re-populated the zone. The First Solar modules are longer than the Jinko Solar modules in the portrait dimension by 16mm, so given that the pitch is the same, the First Solar configuration is slightly more compressed. The string partitions were set such that there are 2 strings in height for each row, and the electrical loss is set to 80%. This is the loss profile for the Jinko Solar version: This is the First Solar version: The general shading losses are almost the same, but can anyone help me to understand why the electrical losses are so different? As I mentioned, the First Solar configuration is the one that is more compressed. Also, I realize that the shading losses overall are extremely high--this system is located on a steep north-facing hill with a substantial treeline around the site, so losses in this range are expected. Any insights would be helpful. Thank you! Rachel H.
  2. Hi PVsyst forum, I was wondering what would be the best way to model a system with very irregular table shapes. The system I am trying to model is much larger than the 1MW recommended limit for using the module layout definition. The following diagram shows a small section of the array: I know I can use the zone option with exclusion areas and PVsyst will fill in the rest, however in this case I will need to define the table unit as a single module (or maybe 2 modules, depending on the zone) to make sure that the area is filled accurately. This creates a problem for partitioning the strings since PVsyst forces you to define the table unit as a minimum of a single rectangle string partition; it does not let you define a single module as 1/30 of a string (even though it is). I see a similar issue with using array tables/shed fields in various shapes, since the partitioning forces each row to be a single string, which obviously is not accurate here. In the example below, if this array section were strung as a 15-module string, you cannot partition it as such. I believe you used to be able to do this, did it change? Or is there a way to define this whole piece as a single string? The Polygonal PV Plane option does not work in this case because it only creates irregularly shaped tables, not sheds. Please let me know if I am misunderstanding or missing something about the shade model options. In general, what is the best approach to modeling this type of system? Thank you so much! Rachel H.
  3. Thank you dtarin, that is very helpful! Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only way to access the tilt for such objects is inside of "Modify Selected Objects" in the right-click scene objects menu, right? I would suggest that the developers consider making this editable in the general object modification options, as this would be more straightforward for the user. In any case, thank you so much! Best regards, Rachel H.
  4. Hi Stéphane, I am trying to create a domed roof object similar to the one in your screenshot above, but I cannot figure out how to shift the plane of the object (with the curve defined in the XZ plane, rather than the default, which is the XY plane). Do you mind explaining how to rotate the plane for this type of object? The general rotate option only works with a center of rotation parallel to the Z axis, from what I can tell. Thank you! Rachel H.
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