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  1. please , can explain what is the difference between the virtual energy at MPP and the energy really used by the system EArrMPP and which is the really energy putted as input of the inverter ??
  2. Hello PVSyst community , I want ask what is the difference between Array virtual energy mpp and the real input energy to inverter , is the array virtual energy at mpp is the therical energy after losses ?
  3. ynesse

    perez model

    hello pvsyst community , in pvsyst help I have found how to calculate transposition using hay model , but nothing mentionned for perez model , and I want see factors that effect the diffuse componenet thanks in advance
  4. Hello pvsyst community , I want ask why manufacturer don't specify sometimes VmppNom in ond files ?? and why pvsyst consider that vmppnom is a weak condition ?? because what I know that VmppNom is an important parameter to calculate P_ac inverter , thanks in adavance
  5. Hello pvsyst Community ! I want ask about view factor calculation in pvsyst ! does pvsyst use Monte Carlo methode to calculate view factors ? thank you
  6. Thanks Michele for your reply ! now I want know the diffuse acceptenance and it relationship with diffuse fraction on ground
  7. Hello PVSYST community ! I have you are fine , I want ask about diffuse fraction on ground , how it's only depended on geometry of system as said Dr.André mermoud in FAQ simulation thanks
  8. Hello pvsyst community !! can any one help me to understand the relation between these 3 values related on view_factor and this one in loss diagram and this one in general simulation parameter in bifacial module I have learn also about view factor model in 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference – Brussels, Belgium, 24-28 September 2018 article but I can't really understand how it calculate the view factor . thanks for advance
  9. hello pvsyst community ! I am new at pvsyst and I am wonder about difference between this view factor (at diagram loss) and view factor in bifacial system definition many thanks at advance
  10. Hello pvsyst community ! Can you please explain this said by pvsyst help in bifacial systems procedure : how view factor depends on geometry of module choosen ( unlimited sheds or unlimited trackers) I don't understood the inicator said please any help will be appreciated
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