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Everything posted by Vaithiesh

  1. Hi, I noticed this error coming up repeatedly even after fixing the error, whatever changes I had done disappears when I switch to another variant or close the project. Step 1/ Pic 1: Designed a system with SolarEdge inverters, I had to fix the unequal stringing to get the right system size Step 2: Fixed the stringing and pvsyst error was gone. Saved the variant, run the simulation and generated report. Pic 3: After this I'm getting the same error, and the changes I had already finished disappears after switching variants or closing the project. and I'm certain whatever changes I have done was accurate. Not sure if this error is known but couldn't find anything in the forum related to this. Also, I tried opening a project that was done a year ago and saved, is not working in this version 7.3.1.
  2. @dtarin yes, I missed to mention that, the issue I was facing was when I delete multiple orientations. Your solution using right click works. Thanks for that.
  3. I did, but the error was to check for the several orientations that's defined in the shade scene. I tried the same in version 7.3.0 and lower and it works fine for the same shade scene, Only 7.3.1 has this issue.
  4. Hi, In the new release that was published this new year has some issues with Orientation management tool under near shadings. When I export a .pvc file and update my orientations to a single a orientation (average tilt and azimuth), pvsyst throws an error (shown in the image below). Whatever method I try the tilt and azimuth stays at 0. This tool and the same method was working fine before the latest release. Please check this and update. Thanks.
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