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  1. Hello Lazare, thank you for your quick reply. I am still struggling to find any empirical data for the Imp and Vmp RMS dispersion values. I have been reading in the PVSyst Help that you don't have much references about the average module degradation. Nevertheless, do you have any recommendations what values to choose for PV parks with a size over 25 MWp. Best regards Markus
  2. Hello, I am currently researching the topic of ageing photovoltaic parks. In doing so, I came across a problem in PVSyst that concerns the ageing parameters of PV modules. To be more precise, the Imp and Vmp RMS disperion values. Does anyone in this forum have any experience or reference values? Thank you for your answer! Kind regards, Markus
  3. Hey Jack, I am faced with similar difficulties as you. Did you get any more information in the mean time? Best regards, Markus
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