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  1. Hi, Some european energy dealers offer to store produced energy on the grid in a virtual battery so that the client can use it at night or on peak load. It works this way : - Every month you rent a virtual storage capacity from 100 kWh to 1800 kWh - Solar energy produced is self consummed by the client, the excess is injected in the grid and counted , it is not buyed, it is just counted - If the amount of energy injected is above the storage capacity, the energy is given to the grid - When client needs more power than the array is producing, it is supplied by the grid but is consumming virtual storage first with no cost - When storage is empty, it is supplied by the grid I tried to simulate this by creating a fake wonder storage but results are a bit tweaky. This king of virtual storage has no load time, nor efficiency. Is PVSyst able to simulate this ? Thank you !
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