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  1. That will be great, thank you!
  2. Hi PVSyst team, I have been using PVSyst for years now and would like to see in future a section where we can add some customized notes which only the person who run the particular simulation can view. Personally, I create multiple simulation by changing some losses, 3d scene, .met files modules, inverter, etc and its get difficult to recall months later when I rework on same project and have multiple variants. I try to update the variant names with the changes but since we have limited amount of space there, it does not help. I would like to suggest having a notes section in front of variants dropdown list which would help to better understand the changes in particular variant. I am sure lot of people would benefit with this features in future thank you!
  3. thanks @dtarin and @Stéphane Metz I think I did not did a good job in explaining previously. In the snip below, my table size is 66 modules (2 string), but due to site constraints, we are having 33 modules (1 strings table). In the snip below, I used fill zone for with 66 modules but some part of area (blue circle) cannot not have such long table but instead only 33 modules tables. I can change the table size with 33 modules for all the Fill Zone but the number of tables tracker increases significantly and the simulation takes 5+hours (its a huge site)finish the simulation. So I was wondering, similar to "Automatic length' features in Fill Zone, there would be features where we can modify Fill Zone with two different size, in this example, first fill zone with 66 modules table, and area where there is space constraints, fill it by 33 modules table. I can definitely create multiple Fill Zone and define the table sizes, but that would take longer time for the project of this scale. So trying to check if there is something similar in your software development queue to add in future Thank you!
  4. Hi PVSyst team, I am wondering if there is a way I can define two different table sizes when we do Fill Zone in 3D scene. A features like this will be helpful in the event we have two different size of table due to site constraints. It can be multiple of same module size, like if 1px28 or 1px56. Is there any way we already have this feature in PVSyst I am missing?
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