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Panch Karasani

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  1. Hello Michele Oliosi, That great to hear, thank you. I have not tired the latest version yet, hopefully that resolves the issues.
  2. In the Near Shading Tab, when computing the shading factor table i notice that when going from higher Pitch E-W to a lower one induces some shading at low heighta even with backtracking enabled. But then i go back into the construction perspective again and i close it out without changing any of the fields and recomputed the shading factor table, the shading in the low heights is not there anymore. Is this a glitch on PVsyst? If it is, It would be greatly appreciated if this can be taken, as i would have to run shading factor table twice every time i run simulation going from higher pitch to a lower pitch. Than k you,
  3. I also see a similar issue with PVsyst 7.2. It would be great if there was way to keep the Medium Voltage line Ohmic losses the same, when the running batch simulation with different amount of strings in the system size.
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