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  1. Hello @Michele Oliosi Thanks for your support, I tried to simulate multiple project as you described in your response. At one place I got stuck, when I click on "Detailed electrical calculation". After choosing this setting, I have freedom to make my own string in "Module Layout". But I can't able to do it, if I make more than 4 (four) row of module as shown in image. I can't able to see all the tables at same time or one by one. Do you have any solution regarding this problem. Please help
  2. Hello PVsyst I'm looking to simulate BIPV (building integrated photovoltaic), is it possible to simulate it using PVsyst. Here BIPV means, I need cover building face or facade with PV Module at 90°. If yes, then how can I do it ?
  3. Hello PVsyst I'm looking to simulate BIPV (building integrated photovoltaic), is it possible to simulate it using PVsyst. Here BIPV means, I need cover building face or facade with PV Module at 90°. If yes, then how can I do it ?
  4. Hello Everyone Can anyone help me, how PVsyst calculate GTI & GlobInc (Global incident in coll. plane) from GHI? especially using perez method.
  5. will you please share project file?, if possible
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