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Everything posted by lmurphy

  1. Hello, Ever since this patch I have been noticing that the "Bifacial Global incident on ground" value in the loss tree is lower than in previous versions. Due to this, we are seeing a 2-4% decrease in our bifacial production modelling versus results from version 7.1. Under the 7.2.1 patch notes I see there is a correction stating, "Bifacial: fixed an error in the computation of the diffuse on the rear side of bifacial panels." Is that related to the lower production we are seeing? If so, can you perhaps shed a little light (pun intended) on what exactly the fix was so we can better explain it to our financial partners? Thank you! Lucas
  2. When I try and open PVsyst 7.2.2 it just displays a blank screen. It loads then flashes the blank screen, the blank screen then disappears. When I hover over the PVsyst icon on the taskbar it just shows the blank screen (photo attached), but when I click it it won't pop up. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and restarting my computer. Please help.
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