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Everything posted by Barbadori

  1. Hi there, It seems that the latest PVSyst version has a new option when importing files from PVCase (ground objects). What is the aim of this new option? I have run the simulation with the boxes marked and unmarked and I get completely different results but in both cases it looks like PVSyst is considering the trees (When unmarked, trees are in black and when marked they are in green in the 3D screen) Also it takes much longer to run the simulation when it is unmarked. I want to take into account the shading producing by the trees and I want to get the most accurate results. Should I click tree crown and tree trunk or leave it unclicked? Thanks.
  2. Hi dtarin, This is a fixed structure system. I won't be using trackers.
  3. Hi there, I am modelling an utility scale project with modules and inverters that allow a maximum of 29 modules per string. I want to maximize the space available so I would like to have two different table sizes. One of 29 modules long (a full string) and one that it is half size. Obviously 29 cannot be divided by 2 so I was wondering what is the best way to calculate the number of modules for the second table in order to have a round number of strings for the final layout. Many thanks in advance. Regards
  4. I use measured data most of the time. How would that change the PXX? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi there, I don't have much experience on P50, P90, etc... my question is: when running a normal simulation without using the P50-P90 estimation tool, is the energy annual yield obtained as a result of that simulation the P50 value? In other words, all simulations provide P50 value by default and the P50-P90 estimation tool is only to be used when we want to know P90, P75, etc... Is this correct? Many thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks for the response. Yeah, I usually do 4 in height but also 6 landscape is a configuration that tend to use quite often. It is good that the latest versions allows you to do different partition depending on the size of the table, it makes easier to do the partition you mention in your message. I agree that this is something that PVsyst should be working on. The partition can affect significantly the annual yield. Regards
  7. Hi there, I always design my layouts in PVCase and I export them into PVsyst. I always use three different types of tables in order to maximise the space available. In landscape, I do tables of 20 panels, 10 panels and 5 panels long. These lengths obviously don't match with the real length of a string (between 25 and 30 modules). In the partition section in PVsyst, I tend to put 1 in the Nb of rectangles in width (X) as it would be very hard to calculate the exact length of the string based on the configuration of the tables I mentioned above. My concern is by doing that, am I considering a string with infinitive number of panels? If that is the case, how accurate is the results I am getting when running the simulation? Could anyone advise what is the best practice when designing tables in PVCase (or similar) to get an accurate partition in PVsyst? Many thanks in advance.
  8. Hi there, I use medium voltage transformers on my simulations and I don't click the "night disconnect" option. Also I don't delete the inverter night consumption on the .OND file. I assume that the yield report I generate includes then night consumption. If I click the "night disconnect" option for the transformer and delete the night consumption of the inverter on the .OND file, is it that sufficient to get accurate results or are there other loads at night time that cannot be "disconnect" manually on PVsyst? I was wondering if someone could advise what is the most accurate way to calculate night consumption. Is there any method to follow to calculate this properly? Many thanks in advance.
  9. Hi there, I would like to know how to include 3D elements in the near shading 3D scene. I know that by using the tools option I can add trees, houses etc but I can't see other elements like wind turbines, like the example below. Do I have to add those elements on my CAD design and them export the layout to be read on PVsyst? I know Helios 3D does it but I'm using PVCase and there is no option to add wind turbines. Many thanks in advance.
  10. I came across with a report that has two additional pages after the waterfall with the aging information (see below). It looks good in particular when presenting the report to a client so I was wondering how to do it. Is this a new feature of the new versions? I'm using PVsyst 7.0.
  11. Hi there, I would like to know how to show aging results on the final report. I define the aging parameters in the losses section but when I run the simulation and open the report the results are not there. I've looked in the project settings and in the report settings but I can't really find the option to include it in the report. Could anyone advise how to do this? Many thanks in advance.
  12. Thanks very much for the reply. I'm not sure what you mean with checking the 8760. Do you mean the output file from the advance simulation? There are so many different options to select there.,, do you know if there is one that shows the maximum output per inverter?
  13. Many thanks for the answer!
  14. Hi there, When I run a simulation in the UK/Ireland area, PVsyst always uses the Nom. AC Power. The average temperature in this area is around 15 degrees Celsius so I don't understand why uses Nom. AC Power instead Max. AC Power. Am I undersizing the projects I'm designing because of this? Many thanks in advance.
  15. Can I ask how did you solve the issue? I'm in a similar position where I'd like to know how PVsyst works beyond the little question marks that are every section of the software.
  16. I think it would be very useful if there was a person from PVsyst dedicated to answer questions within the PVsyst forum. It happens quite often that very interesting questions from different users get no answer at all after months being published. Those questions have thousand of views, which means there is a great interest. Also, an answer from PVsyst would eliminate the uncertainty of not knowing if the answer is accurate and reliable. Many thanks in advance.
  17. I'm modelling fixed tilt. I usually use tables of 4 panels on landscape and the length of the tables are 20, 10 and 5 panels, which I define on PVCase and I import into PVsyst. The actual number of modules per string is around 27. Hope that helps.
  18. Hi there, I would like to know how it's calculated the RMS value (%) when using the detail computation on the mismatch losses. I've been told that it's the power tolerance divided by the power output of the module but the results I get don't make any sense. Could anyone help on this please? Many thanks in advance.
  19. Could anyone help on this please? Thanks. Regards
  20. Could anyone help on this please? Thanks. Regards
  21. Hi there, I'm using the tool detailed computation in PVsyst to calculate the module mismatch losses. I'm getting an average of 3.2% losses after 1080 random configuration of modules. It seems quite high considering that the default value in PVsyst is 2% and many people in the industry is using 1.5%. I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong in the configuration menu in order to get such a high loss value. I have attached below the configuration page and the results. Hope you can help. Many thanks in advance.
  22. Hello, When 3D modelling is being carried out with Helios 3D, PVCase or similar and the layout produced by that software is imported into PVsyst, do I need to apply an electrical effect factor less than 100% when choosing according to string during the simulation? My understanding is that a 100% electrical effect is selected when shading if very regular and something between 60-80% when shading is more distributed (far buildings, trees, etc). If I choose 70% electrical effect when simulating a 3D model imported from PVCase that already takes into account topography, obstacles etc, am I overestimating losses or should I choose 100% electrical effect? Hope that makes sense. Many thanks in advance.
  23. Hi there, I'm trying to figure out what is the most accurate model to use when calculating IAM losses. I have .PAN files that have been verified by independent labs but the values are very different than the ones from ASHRAE and Fresnel (see below). When there is such a difference between PAN file and the other values, can I trust the PAN file even if it's been verified by third parties? Is there any way that I can check if the IAM on a PAN file is really "verified"? Many thanks in advance.
  24. Many thanks for the reply. I've read that when using irradiance data measure onsite with pyranometers, the far shading effect is included in that data and it shouldn't be added with the horizon tool on PVsyst. Is that correct? Cheers
  25. Hello, I was wondering if there is any report/study about which horizon profile source is more accurate to be imported in PVsyst. I imagine that measuring the horizon on site is the best way to proceed but in the absence of on site measurements, what is the most recommended horizon profile source? The easiest option would be to choose PVGIS horizon from web, that is embedded in PVsyst but I wonder how accurate this source is. Many thanks in advance.
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