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Everything posted by Kebby

  1. For the next version is it possible to add 1 decimal place to the collector plane orientation. Often we want 17.5 but when the simulation runs it will say 17 or 18. In addition to this it only seems accurate if its the last number you input before running the simulation.
  2. V6.39 Edited 1st post to display picture correctly
  3. When using 8 sub-array's the information for the inverter of sub array 6, 7 and 8 fall off the bottom of page 2 and does not continue onto page 3 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/gnHQfKlMk1pY39U3Rd40FogMP4YGWSSXOhQ7s1UaLEE=w1560-h704-no Is there a way to make this appear on the next page?
  4. I have noticed a large different in results from identical models run in v6.12 and v6.18. The only obvious change i can see is that: 6.12: Models used Transposition Perez Diffuse Measured 6.18: Models used Transposition Perez Diffuse Erbs, Meteonorm This leads to: 6.12: -3.0% Near Shadings: irradiance loss 6.18: -1.9% Near Shadings: irradiance loss Ultimately this leads to an increase in PR of 0.9%, is there an explanation for this change between these versions?
  5. 6.07 and 6.10 When importing from PVGIS it sometimes does not identify that a site is west and erroneously leaves the longitude as a positive value ie East This error seems to carry forwards and changes the end results. Example: PVGIS: Location 50 59'34" North, 2 48'3" West PVsyst import: Latitude 50.98 50 59' Longitude 2.80 2 48'
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