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  1. Dear all, I would like to ask a new question here because it also is about consideration of cloudy conditions. I hope this is ok. In my understanding, Meteonorm data consists of monthly irradiation values that are converted to hourly values by "some algorithm". This is perfect for estimating the yearly yield. However, in some locations for example in Chile it would be helpful to also have a more realistic characteristic. Some locations in Chile are always cloudy in the morning and after noon time there are clear sky conditions. I have attached an example of such a daily profile. Is there any way to take this characteristic into consideration when generating hourly values? Especially in this spot almost every day looks like the attached image. So I would like to simulate different azimuths. Since the sun does not shine so much in the morning it might be a good idea to direct the modules more to the north-west. Also for selling the energy at the spot market, it is interesting to have an idea about the hourly distribution of the energy. I know, it is possible to purchase hourly climate data but maybe there is a way to generate this characteristic synthetically. Anyone an Idea? I hope I could make my point clear. Thank you for your help! Kind regards Tobias Cloudy Day in Chile
  2. Dear suport, we are working on a project for the American continent. As agreed with the customer, the DC/AC-power-Ratio shall be 125% or even higher. Losses during the daytime on sunny days are accepted. We want to use central inverters with a maximum PV current of 1400 A. The manufacturer says, there is no void of warranty if the PV current gets higher than 1400 A because the inverter "cuts" the current to a maximum of 1400 A. Now I have simulated the following: - yingli 245 modules (YL245P-29b) - SMA SC 900 CP - 25 modules per string (warm region, so it's fine with 1000V maximum OC Voltage) - 186 Strings per Inverter - --> nominal power ratio of 126.6 % To see what happens on sunny days, I have generated an output file and sorted it by the PC current. I am very concerned about the result. Apparently, PVsyst ignores completely the behavior of the inverter. In 140 hour-values during the year, the PV current exceeds the limit of 1400 A by far. Please explain this. Is it possible to simulate the "real" behavior? The MPP tracker of the inverter should increase the voltage so that the current does not exceed the maximum input current. Is there an option where I can "activate" the real MPP-tracking behavior of the inverter? PVsyst v6,12 File File date Description Project XXX_Project,PRJ 09/12/13 14h33 Grid-Connected Project at xxx Geographical Site 09/12/13 14h33 xxx Central America North_America Meteo data XXX_MNfile_SYN,MET 06/12/13 09h55 xxx Meteonorm file Synthetic Simulation variant XXX_Project,VC1 09/12/13 15h37 New simulation variant Simulation: Hourly values from 01/01/90 to 31/12/90 Simulation run 10.12.2013 15:18 ___date___________PR_______I(A)_____V(V) 12.03.1990 13:00 0,7479 1528 600 09.03.1990 12:00 0,7593 1527 600 13.03.1990 12:00 0,7482 1525 600 09.05.1990 12:00 0,7399 1518 600 29.05.1990 13:00 0,7296 1518 600 21.04.1990 12:00 0,7387 1517 605,1 25.03.1990 12:00 0,735 1516 605,3 17.02.1990 12:00 0,7503 1515 600 23.03.1990 12:00 0,7449 1513 600 04.04.1990 12:00 0,7383 1513 606,6 28.04.1990 12:00 0,7445 1512 600 01.05.1990 12:00 0,7282 1512 600 10.05.1990 12:00 0,7464 1511 600 24.04.1990 12:00 0,7491 1508 600 19.02.1990 12:00 0,7538 1506 600 25.03.1990 13:00 0,7406 1506 600 21.04.1990 11:00 0,7562 1505 600 11.09.1990 12:00 0,7505 1505 600 27.09.1990 12:00 0,7412 1505 600 28.02.1990 12:00 0,7471 1503 600 09.03.1990 13:00 0,7586 1503 600 04.04.1990 13:00 0,7441 1503 600 17.03.1990 12:00 0,7366 1501 600 13.04.1990 12:00 0,7399 1499 600 21.04.1990 13:00 0,7455 1499 600 22.07.1990 13:00 0,7118 1498 600 23.04.1990 12:00 0,7423 1497 600 01.05.1990 11:00 0,7439 1495 600 17.02.1990 13:00 0,75 1494 600 11.03.1990 12:00 0,7553 1494 600 04.04.1990 11:00 0,7589 1494 600 10.04.1990 12:00 0,7315 1493 600 21.10.1990 12:00 0,7302 1493 600 25.03.1990 11:00 0,7568 1492 600 09.05.1990 11:00 0,7547 1492 600 25.11.1990 12:00 0,7462 1492 600 19.09.1990 12:00 0,7337 1490 600 29.04.1990 12:00 0,7565 1485 600 23.03.1990 13:00 0,7474 1484 600 19.02.1990 13:00 0,7544 1483 600 13.03.1990 13:00 0,7516 1483 600 28.04.1990 11:00 0,7585 1483 600 09.05.1990 13:00 0,7453 1483 600 10.05.1990 11:00 0,7597 1483 600 24.05.1990 12:00 0,7377 1482 600 01.09.1990 12:00 0,7219 1482 600 10.03.1990 13:00 0,7385 1481 619,8 12.03.1990 12:00 0,7358 1481 619,5 15.09.1990 12:00 0,7302 1480 600 22.04.1990 12:00 0,747 1479 600 25.04.1990 12:00 0,745 1478 600 27.09.1990 11:00 0,7558 1476 600 25.09.1990 12:00 0,7343 1475 600 24.03.1990 12:00 0,7496 1473 600 10.05.1990 13:00 0,751 1473 600 11.03.1990 13:00 0,7545 1472 600 17.03.1990 13:00 0,7386 1471 600 28.04.1990 13:00 0,7497 1471 600 14.09.1990 12:00 0,7349 1470 600 28.02.1990 13:00 0,7502 1469 600 13.04.1990 11:00 0,7551 1469 600 01.05.1990 13:00 0,7353 1469 600 19.09.1990 11:00 0,748 1469 600 08.10.1990 12:00 0,7395 1469 600 15.04.1990 10:00 0,7457 1465 600 23.04.1990 11:00 0,7572 1464 600 26.04.1990 12:00 0,6737 1464 626,8 25.11.1990 11:00 0,7594 1464 600 14.03.1990 12:00 0,7567 1461 600 06.09.1990 12:00 0,734 1461 600 10.04.1990 11:00 0,7496 1460 600 23.04.1990 13:00 0,747 1460 600 24.04.1990 13:00 0,7556 1459 600 10.04.1990 13:00 0,7364 1458 600 24.05.1990 11:00 0,7506 1458 600 01.09.1990 11:00 0,741 1458 600 15.09.1990 11:00 0,7457 1457 600 11.09.1990 13:00 0,7572 1455 600 10.03.1990 12:00 0,7259 1454 631,1 17.03.1990 11:00 0,7555 1454 600 27.09.1990 13:00 0,7491 1454 600 02.10.1990 12:00 0,7556 1454 600 24.03.1990 13:00 0,7506 1453 600 13.04.1990 13:00 0,7463 1453 600 08.10.1990 11:00 0,7517 1453 600 07.09.1990 12:00 0,7442 1452 600 25.09.1990 11:00 0,7475 1452 600 16.03.1990 12:00 0,7565 1450 600 30.03.1990 12:00 0,75 1449 600 01.09.1990 13:00 0,7279 1448 600 08.03.1990 12:00 0,7426 1447 634,1 25.04.1990 11:00 0,7588 1447 600 03.06.1990 12:00 0,7455 1445 600 27.04.1990 12:00 0,7496 1444 600 24.05.1990 13:00 0,7438 1444 600 19.09.1990 13:00 0,7418 1444 600 14.09.1990 11:00 0,7504 1443 600 22.04.1990 13:00 0,7512 1442 600 15.08.1990 12:00 0,7395 1442 600 25.04.1990 13:00 0,75 1439 600 04.05.1990 10:00 0,7474 1438 600 08.05.1990 12:00 0,7513 1438 600 13.05.1990 10:00 0,751 1438 600 22.03.1990 12:00 0,7533 1437 600 19.08.1990 12:00 0,7335 1437 600 28.09.1990 12:00 0,7458 1437 600 06.07.1990 12:00 0,7568 1434 600 08.07.1990 12:00 0,7458 1434 600 05.10.1990 12:00 0,7477 1434 600 15.09.1990 13:00 0,7398 1430 600 25.09.1990 13:00 0,7428 1430 600 18.08.1990 12:00 0,7344 1428 600 07.10.1990 10:00 0,7445 1427 600 02.09.1990 12:00 0,7403 1426 600 06.09.1990 11:00 0,7505 1426 600 14.09.1990 13:00 0,7418 1426 600 25.10.1990 12:00 0,7532 1426 600 05.08.1990 13:00 0,7498 1425 600 07.09.1990 11:00 0,7568 1425 600 12.04.1990 10:00 0,7521 1424 600 30.06.1990 12:00 0,7579 1423 600 22.03.1990 13:00 0,7534 1422 600 05.05.1990 10:00 0,7455 1421 600 17.08.1990 12:00 0,74 1421 600 06.09.1990 13:00 0,7401 1421 600 19.11.1990 12:00 0,7507 1421 600 07.09.1990 13:00 0,7484 1419 600 19.10.1990 12:00 0,7492 1419 600 27.04.1990 13:00 0,752 1418 600 08.10.1990 13:00 0,7476 1418 600 09.08.1990 12:00 0,7527 1417 600 16.08.1990 12:00 0,744 1416 600 16.10.1990 12:00 0,7486 1416 600 03.06.1990 13:00 0,7483 1415 600 28.09.1990 11:00 0,7564 1415 600 05.10.1990 11:00 0,7583 1415 600 15.08.1990 13:00 0,7422 1414 600 19.10.1990 11:00 0,7571 1410 600 30.03.1990 13:00 0,7534 1409 600 03.06.1990 11:00 0,7589 1408 600 06.07.1990 13:00 0,7588 1407 600 19.08.1990 13:00 0,7367 1407 600 09.06.1990 12:00 0,7574 1406 600 08.07.1990 13:00 0,7478 1405 600 18.07.1990 12:00 0,7469 1405 600 18.11.1990 12:00 0,7597 1405 600 05.09.1990 12:00 0,741 1404 600 02.08.1990 12:00 0,7518 1403 600 19.08.1990 11:00 0,7493 1402 600 15.08.1990 11:00 0,756 1400 600 04.10.1990 12:00 0,756 1400 600 14.02.1990 12:00 0,7791 1399 623
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