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  1. Hi, so this means that PVsyst only is able to give a result as if the POC is before the step-up transformer. To have a realistic production forecast, I should thus calculate the loss in % due to the step up transformer and the OHL and then apply to the PVsyst result. Do you find it correct? Regards Pierluigi
  2. Hi everybody, I have to to run a simulation of a grid connected pv plant consisting of three converter units connected in and out with internal LV/MV transformer each (380V/22000V). Then there is a step up transformer from 22kV to 66kV inside the facility and a 66 kV OHL up to the substation where the POC is located. The OHL is almost 2km long How can I take into account the losses of the different sections MV and HV? Regards Pierluigi
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