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Everything posted by Jaya_chandran

  1. Hi We are working on a solar project of 12.64MWp, we are facing difficulty in determining the weather corrected PR. In recent versions of PVsyst we have observed the option to include the weather corrected PR and to draw the plot of the same. The formula used for calculation of weather corrected PR is same as that of specified in PVsyst PR (corr) = E_Grid / ( PNomPV * Σ hours ( GlobInc / GRef * (1 - muPmpp * (Tarray - TArrayAver) ) However if I manually calculate weather corrected PR by applying the desired values in above formula, I’m not getting the similar results as tabulated below. I may be wrong but any help provided for this is appreciated. For reference I have provided the values of Tarray & irradiation weighted temperature and the temperature coefficient of PV module is -0.40%/°C . Since this weather corrected PR does not take in to consideration the actual module operating conditions or the actual irradiation weighted average, we would like to know how it will help for a Project Developer / Contractor to provide a guarantee on Corrected PR. Appreciate the help provided.
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