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  1. Hello! Thanks for this answer! I have been two days trying to import daily wind velocities... :roll: Anyway, when I uncheck the Wind velocity in "Meteo Variables" and I convert it (with a .met with wind velocity) this data is 0 too, it doesn't take these values from the .met site. Any clue? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello! I'm trying to import the real daily meteo file for 2019 through 'Import ASCII meteo file'. First of all I just imported global irradiance and ambient temperature and I obtained my meteo file with the data imported (but wind speed was 0). So I tried to import wind speed and although I am doing exactly the same as I did before, this wind velocity doesn't appear in my meteo file, it's all 0s again. Do you know what am I doing wrong? is there another way to import wind velocity? Thanks!
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