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Everything posted by Christina_Ng

  1. Turns out all the data headers, results and everything was packed into cell A8. As the cell is not automatically resized it seemed like the results were not there. Hope this helps!
  2. Hello, not sure if you fixed this but I noticed in your system config you have 1.5 inverters of 8kVA so system comes to 12kVA which is in line with your graph in the first post. If you want to simulate that one inverter measured in field, you may need to change your system config to just one inverter than 1.5. Hope this helps! C
  3. I am having the same issue in 7.1.5. I reran the batch simulation and it seems to yield results. Edit: Problem persists in 7.2.6. Not sure if/when this will be addressed but for large batch files, which is the whole point of batch files, this is a huge time waster.
  4. Hi all, I have ran a batch simulation and have the EGrid as part of the results file. I noticed that the unit for EGrid in the results file is "kWh", but when comparing with the hourly output file and the report, the result is off by 1000 if it is in kWh - it would make more sense if the EGrid in results file is MWh. Anyone else having this problem? Thank you, C
  5. Hi everyone, I'm trying to do a batch simulation for various pitch spacing for a vertical axis tracking system with common axis. For a single array in the shading scene, I notice that the option for N-S pitch is not available when selecting the batch simulation parameters. The only pitch parameter available is the E-W pitch between trackers, which isn't what I need. If I set my shading scene to have 2 shading arrays, I do get the option to have N-S pitch as a parameter, however I there are no difference in the batch results at all and in the reports generated the pitch did not change between my simulations even though it has been defined in the batch simulation file! The batch simulation has taken whatever pitch that was already saved in the shading scene and repeated it the number of simulations I have set in the batch file. Anyone else experiencing this or have a work-around? Thank you!
  6. Hi everyone, I'm trying to do a batch simulation for various pitch spacing for a vertical axis tracking system with common axis. For a single array in the shading scene, I notice that the option for N-S pitch is not available when selecting the batch simulation parameters. The only pitch parameter available is the E-W pitch between trackers, which isn't what I need. If I set my shading scene to have 2 shading arrays, I do get the option to have N-S pitch as a parameter, however I there are no difference in the batch results at all and in the reports generated the pitch did not change between my simulations even though it has been defined in the batch simulation file! The batch simulation has taken whatever pitch that was already saved in the shading scene and repeated it the number of simulations I have set in the batch file. Anyone else experiencing this or have a work-around? Thank you!
  7. Hi all, I have noticed that somehow the Miscellaneous Tools button has disappeared. I am looking for the inverter temperature option in the miscellaneous tools, but it seems like even though the tabs under the tool has been broken off to new buttons the inverter temperature is missing? Can someone point me to where the invert temperature option is now hidden? Thanks in advance!
  8. I am using HIT modules in my simulation and want to include LID in the simulation. As I do not have the PAN file or the manufacturer's information I have made a generic HIT module. I note that the LID disappears and becomes 0% after simulation such that it does not show on the PVsyst report and also when I go back to check in on my Detailed Losses, the LID there is 0. I have tried with a non-HIT module and the LID works fine. Is LID 'disabled' for HIT module types? Thank you!
  9. Hello, Just upgraded to v6.80 and ran a simulation. I noticed that even though I've inputted LID in Detailed Losses, it becomes 0 and does not show up in the report at all nor in the loss diagram. When I go back to Detailed Losses, LID is set to 0. Any one having the same problem? Thank you, Christina
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