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Several steps AC voltage injection to grid


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In Japan, for solar projects over 2MW, they require to inject to very high voltage grid (66KV, 154KV) and to do this, often there are several transformers to elevate the voltage first from inverter output to 22KV, then from 22KV to 66KV or 154KV.

Would be possible to add a tool to estimate the AC ohmic losses with this kind of configurations?

More specifically the possibility to specify cable section and length for the different steps.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

PS: Please let us know something regarding the post "PVsyst becomes very slow in every part when loading a big 3d scene" in the bugs forum.

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Hi Michele,

I agree it would be very useful: While the voltages and power thresholds change, the same challenge of multiple stages of transformers applies in many other countries. I did request something similar - though not quite the same - in an earlier post (http://forum.pvsyst.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1785) but it was a while ago and certainly worth asking again!

In the meantime I've been calculating the losses for the network upstream of the first transformer manually, using the hourly output files.


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