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Export PV Panels and Inverters Database


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I am interested in exporting the databases for all panels and inverters. Is there a way to do this without exporting row by row? Also, what are the column titles when the data is exported row by row?

In addition, the PHOTON database is no longer available. The link provided doesn't work and a quick Google search showed that PHOTON followed for insolvency over a year ago. Is there another larger database to pull information from?

Many thanks,


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In the Database management, you have a tool for exporting the data as EXCEL lines, for use in the document Components.XLS. Here you can export several components at a time.

You will find this file in c:\Program files (x86)\PVsyst6.x.x\DataRO\PVsyst6_Data\UserData\

I don't know any other component database which would provide sufficient information (parameters) for use in PVsyst.

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