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Display problem in Module Layout (6.19)


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Hi all,

So another problem I've come across with the new version (may be present in previous also):

Once you've finished filling in the PV fields in Module Layout and access the electrical tab, the scroll bar required to view all the available strings doesn't always appear. For instance, if we've used all 8 possible arrays, there's a fair chance they won't all fit in the left-hand display at once. It should be possible to scroll down to make the lower array selectable but in some cases this doesn't happen (see below).



See lower left.


I managed to get around this by re-jigging my arrays to ensure a rectangular one fell last, then used the auto attribution command to fill it. This is something I'd prefer not to have to rely on.

Has anyone else experienced this problem, or have any advice to fix it? Thanks.


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