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Command Options files

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The PVSyst CLI documentation mentions a "command options" file that allows us to store a full list of CLI command options and, I assume, simply point CLI to that file when running our simulations.


What format does this file need to be in? Do we simply need to create a text or CSV file with the command options and file paths that we want to use?


Yes, all you need is a text file containing all the commands you want to pass through.

Each command must be on its own line.

For instance, to convert a weather data file, you can set up a text file (TestCLiCmd.txt) containing the following lines


And then simply run the command : PVsystCLI convert-meteo -cof:TestCLiCmd.txt  from the same directory.


Thanks for the response. I was able to get set up a command file for the convert-meteo command and it ran without issue using "command-meteo - cof:". I created a separate command file for use with the "run-simulation" command, but when I try to execute the "run-simulation - cof:" command with the "cof" option pointed at the correct command file, I receive an "Invalid command syntax" error. Running the simulation from the command prompt works fine if I type each command out separately, though. 

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